Chestnut Ridge is a premier wedding and event venue offering planning in the North Carolina mountains.
Thank everything that it is Spring! Tulips, red buds, & trees everywhere are blooming, and it is the daily dose of color and beauty that I need right now to keep going in this time of social distancing. So it is in the spirit of Spring and of creating our own little celebrations at home that I want to share with you a recipe to make Lilac Syrup. You can use this syrup in so many ways–one of which is to make a cocktail from it! In this blog you will learn how to make a Spring cocktail with ingredients you can find from your backyard and your pantry!
This recipe is a simple, classic cocktail that most everyone will have the ingredients for: a gin & tonic. Since we now live in a world where going to the grocery store is a risk to the health of ourselves, our families, and our community, making food and drinks with what we have on hand is crucial. I usually make this syrup with violets, but I finally pruned my lilac the right way and have loads of blooms to worth with this year. Edible flowers have a wonderful knack for lifting my spirits, and I hope they can offer you the same! Perhaps it isn’t the flowers, alone, though. The astringent gin may have a little to do with it!
(1) cup Lilac Flowers
(1) cup White Sugar
(1) cup Water
(1-2) Blueberries, Blackberries, Elderberries
Trim the branches (just above a bud or leaf to preserve the tree!) of fully flowering lilacs. Pluck the star-shaped flowers one by one into a bowl. Cover in cold water and stir to get rid of any dirt or bugs. After that, strain. Heat sugar and water on the stove until boiling. Take off the heat and stir to dissolve the sugar in water. Let set until cool-ish. Add the freshly washed lilac flowers to a jar, and then cover with this sugar/water mixture. Pop in the berry and seal and shake the jar. Let set for 24 hours and then strain.
I don’t think I need to teach anyone how to make a gin & tonic, however I will say that a little of this syrup goes a long way! Perhaps, add a little lemon juice if you’d like, and throw some of those beautiful flowers on top. Enjoy this Flower Bomb Tonic in the sun.
Looking at having amazing drinks for your big day? Visit us at Cordial & Craft to find out more! Also, scope out Chestnut Ridge & their instagram for some of our previous mixes!
Lexie Harvey | Co-founder & Beverage Operations
Cordial & Craft
Chestnut Ridge is a premier wedding venue and planner in North Carolina.
202 Venue Mountain Road, Canton NC
Email is always best,
but you can also call 828.283.0585
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Chestnut Ridge is a North Carolina wedding venue offering both indoor and outdoor spaces with stunning mountain views and thoughtful amenities.